//Description: Qt和其它语言的交叉使用笔记
//Create Date: 2020-06-09 15:02:47
//Author: channy
QLibrary qLib(m_sDllName);
if (qLib.load())
Dll_TmatrixInitialize = (TYPE_DLL_TmatrixInitialize)qLib.resolve ("TmatrixInitialize");
if (nullptr == Dll_TmatrixInitialize)
writeLog("Load Dll_TmatrixInitialize failed");
然后.pro文件还需要加上Qt += axcontainer,然后就会出现Qt左下角的build和debug都变灰色不可点击,output提示”Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: axcontainer”,然后就发现,Qt的axcontainer只能在windows下用,在linux下用不了。。。
版本: Qt 5.9.0
目录: Src
Compiling on Linux If you are compiling from source you will need several third party libraries: freetype2, jbig2dec, libjpeg, openjpeg, and zlib. These libraries are contained in the source archive. If you are using git, they are included as git submodules.
You will also need the X11 headers and libraries if you’re building on Linux. These can typically be found in the xorg-dev package. Alternatively, if you only want the command line tools, you can build with HAVE_X11=no.
The new OpenGL-based viewer also needs OpenGL headers and libraries. If you’re building on Linux, install the mesa-common-dev, libgl1-mesa-dev packages, and libglu1-mesa-dev packages. You’ll also need several X11 development packages: xorg-dev, libxcursor-dev, libxrandr-dev, and libxinerama-dev. To skip building the OpenGL viewer, build with HAVE_GLUT=no.
To install the viewer, command line tools, libraries, and header files on your system:
make prefix=/usr/local install To install only the command line tools, libraries, and headers invoke make like this:
make HAVE_X11=no HAVE_GLUT=no prefix=/usr/local install
目录: Src/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel