//Description: 笔记:依赖各厂家sdk开发标准化接口sdk遇到的坑
//Create Date: 2019-06-13 17:45:01
//Author: channy
Be careful about struct alignment, it will cause crash…
In Callback function, please jump to own threads as soon as possible. Because Callback function run in dependent sdk (you will never know that whether it will call any exception).
Still in Callback function, please save all data in own pointers.(You will never know when these data will be covered by new data)
If new object in not constructed function, please consider the situation that user may call this function two times and lead to memory leak. (You will never know user how to use this sdk, even there is a specific document)
Be sure all threads are closed before distructor, otherwise the sdk will crash when exit. (Don’t ask me how do I know it…)
Use try-catch as much as possible. (You will never know what will be done in others sdk…)
Always, always, check the input parameters. (Still, you will never know what will others sdk give you…)